Every ride to work or back is literally 5 miles of enjoyment. I see two guys on road bikes every morning going the opposite way. We put our hands up or nod every time because we've got road bikes and they are awesome!
When I walk to the kitchen at work I can see my bike locked up at the bottom of the corridor in my spot. I walked out the other day, saw my bike and thought I love that bike. Then I thought, you know what I'd love that bike more if there were no cars on the road. I'd love it more if there weren't potholes and cracks in the road. I'd love it more if it didn't rain and it was summer all year round. I'd love riding it more if my sunglasses didn't keep knocking my headphones out and the wind didn't blow and I could hear my music better. I really do love that bike though.
You know what, I think that's how I feel about God most of the time. I love God, He's great and speaks so much love and security into my life when I let Him. Trouble is all too often I get in the mindset of thinking I'd love Him more if He just sorted my life out without any effort on my part. I'd love God more if I didn't have to work on my relationship with Him. I'd love God more if He was just on hand to sort everything in my favour when I ask. I'd love God more if I didn't have to deal with people and have to learn how to treat them better than I do. I'd love God more if He rewarded every little effort I made with a really great prize.
Jesus made it quite clear, the only way to God was Him + zero, zilch, nada. No effort, no deed, no sacrifice we make could ever earn our way into heaven. You simply decide to love Jesus and accept His death and resurrection as the answer, or you don't. All in blind or leave the table.
I wouldn't love God any better if He did all those things. I'd be more and more disappointed when my ever increasing expectations weren't met. So why do I continue to slip into that mindset? Why aren't I simply blown away by Jesus love, His life and His heart for others? Why don't I give of myself without expectation of return from others? Why do I still see the lack first, rather than the opportunity for Gods favour? Why do I still think if I just get this or that sorted in my life I'll be a better person, instead of living everyday to help others and show them Jesus love through me?
"Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will," Ephesians 1:5
If I truly believe that, then I am a Son and heir with Jesus! That is so beyond comprehension, it is simply mind blowing! So why don't I live in that mindset? Why don't I live in the confidence that brings? That is life changing, world changing status right there, yet I still struggle to tell people at work I go to church because I fear what they will think of me.
I think God brings us to a place where we have to choose to see the wood in the trees. I have no God related problems in my life, I have plenty of me related problems in my life. I know the answer, I just need to live in it.
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